See two kinds of life which we have heard set before men: the active, to which pertains "Though shalt not kill," and the rest of the law; and the Contemplative, to which pertains this, "If thou Wilt be Perfect." The active pertains to the law, the contemplative to the Gospel; for as the Old Testament went before the New, so good action goes before Contemplation. -- Remigius
A commentary of the following words: Jesus said unto him, "If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me."
Remigius instructs us that an important step toward the Contemplative life is to give up our earthly attachments, and give them not to anyone, but to the poor. Love of the neighbor is the first step to ascend to the love of God, as the Saint says. But that is not enough. Once poor materially, we must follow the teachings in order to achieve spiritual riches: the eternal and absolute good.
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